Le groupe AIELE est composé d'un institut de formation en Anglais, d'une école bilingue “Pioneers’Academy” et d'un centre de formation en Entrepreneuriat et en développement des affaires (EBT Center)
The American Institute for English Language and Entrepreneurship was created in December 2016. It is in Dixième, Thies, Senegal. The founder of the Institute spent thirty (30) years in America particularly in Ohio where she worked with the State of Ohio under the Department of Development. She returned in her home country to be closer to her aging parents. While still in the United States, she was already planning to work with women and girls in helping them improve their lives and addressing some of their financial needs while staying closer to home to care for the family. At first, she decided to work with private colleges with an entrepreneurship programs to bring awareness to target of the importance of being self-employed. But it became obvious that the future entrepreneurs and leaders needed serious skills in English. There were no structure English training centers in the city she lives (Thies) and she decides to open the Institute to provide English courses as well as entrepreneurship training.
American Institute For English Language And Entrepreneurship
Vision : Apprendre l’anglais pour conquérir le monde
Objectif : Former nos apprenants à parler l’anglais avec aisance et confiance et préparer les plus jeunes et les travailleurs à maîtriser l’anglais pour leur donner l’avantage concurrentiel nécessaire pour pourvoir des postes.
Popular Courses
Business English Course
Workplace English
Intensive English
Accent Reduction
English Conversation
Pioneers’ Academy est une école 100% bilingue.
- Vision : Contribuer à faire du Sénégal le modèle de pays en Afrique qui réussit la transformation de sa jeunesse de demandeurs à des créateurs d’emplois.
- Nos offres : Bilinguisme / Education religieuse / Entrepreneuriat / Informatique / Cantine / After school
EBT CENTER (ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND BUSINESS TRAINING CENTER) est un centre qui a pour mission d’apporter des solutions dans le cadre de la création d’entreprises et de la gestion des affaires à travers la formation et l’apport de notre expertise.
Nos domaines d’intervention en entrepreunariat
Business plan - Création d’entreprises - Développement personnel - Leadership - Marketing - Communication - Gestion de projets - Gestion Financière - Gestion des Ressources Humaines
We have been offering services since 2016 and have trained several companies ; professionals and students.
We deliver the education of choice to children from kindergarten to elementary school with an entrepreneurship program from an early age; initiation into computers and robotics.
Order of the Ministry of Vocational Training, Apprenticeship and Integration,
Order of the Ministry of National Education
Accreditation by the 3FPT, which is the state body in charge of vocational training.
Why Choose Us?
Nous utilisons une plateforme en ligne interactive, pour assurer une formation qualifiante à distance.
Nous nous employons à offrir la meilleure formation en Anglais avec des professeurs qualifiés.
Nos cours vous garantissent une meilleure expression en Anglais.
Features of Our Courses
English training leader
Online interactive training
Certification delivery for the mastery of the language
The Best learning platform
Contact Us
American Institute for English Language and Entrepreneurship
EX 10 -ème près Du CNEPS, Région de THIES
+221 77 785 07 73 / +221 76 879 81 88